Inventários e processos de patrimonialização: o caso da Vila de Paranapiacaba / Inventories and “patrimonialisation” processes: the case of Vila de Paranapiacaba
This article intends to approach the inventory as a fundamental part of the field of preservation because it is one of the first steps of the “patrimonialisation” process. It analyzes the origin of the inventory in France, when the first Historical Monuments Commission was created in 1837, continues with the report of the first inventories in Brazil, a century later, in 1937, with the creation of SPHAN (Service of National Historic and Artistic Patrimony), comparing these different positions relating to the most recent processes conducted by the preservation agencies that operate in the town of Paranapiacaba. The study corresponds to a stage of a research that has the Paranapiacaba Village as a case study, with the perspective of discussing the valuation criteria in force in the performance of the public bodies responsible for preserving the heritage and the resulting conservation policies.
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Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) – câmpus de Assis
Faculdade de Ciências e Letras
Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa (Cedap)
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